MOMA Bolzano

2001 – 2003

Project thesis: The structures for Bolzano were developed for the functions of a Museum of Modern Art in the city of Bolzano in Alto Adige. The thesis of the project is to organize the given space allocation plan not in superimposed levels, but on the 4 spread-out lateral surfaces of a four-sided oblong section. A segment of the plan is dusted onto each of the surfaces. This results in the 4 programmed sides D, C, B and A which, when turned to the left, the right, up and down, enclose a programmable volume E. In the case of the Museum of Modern Art in Bolzano, the 4 sides A, B, C and D are programmed as the administration, the library, the study area and the media space. Each plan segment is assigned volumes in rapid association, which then occupy and deform one of the 4 sides. Abstract and empty at first, the sides are thus settled and inhabited by program volumes. This programming of the sides A, B, C and D results in the submission of both the plan and the tectonics to be programmed.

MOMA Bolzano

The City of Bolzano chose a less than inspiring site for the construction of a public building: an oblong plot that, though it borders the Talvera river on one of its short sides, is otherwise overwhelmingly engaged in buffering the posturing of and gaps in the surrounding building stock. We therefore proposed a project that would not emerge from a discourse with its surroundings, but instead a structure that entertains a monolog of self-reflection on its own issues. This monolog of self-reflection is also the precise moment where the project can engage with the seemingly unalterable parameters of architectural production.


Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator

Werner Silbermayr
Kostenberechnung | Cost calculations
Modellbau | Modelmaking
Models 63/6
MOMA Bolzano Modelle bolzano_modelle06
Detail of programmed shells  
Detail der programmierten Hüllen  
MOMA Bolzano Modelle r_tscha_bozen_08
Series of models for MOMA Bolzano featured in the 2003 exhibition "Architecture as Aesthetic Construction", curator: Günter Domenig  
Modellfamilie zu MOMA Bolzano in der von Günter Domenig kuratierten Ausstellung "Architektur als ästhetische Konstruktion", 2003  
MOMA Bolzano Modelle r_tscha_bozen_090
Series of models for MOMA Bolzano featured in the 2003 exhibition "Architecture as Aesthetic Construction", curator: Günter Domenig  
Modellfamilie zu Moma Bolzano in der von Günter Domenig kuratierten Ausstellung "Architektur als ästhetische Konstruktion", 2003  
MOMA Bolzano Modelle bolzano_modelle04
Unfolded program volumes A, B, C, D  
Aufgeklappten Programmvolumen A, B, C, D  
MOMA Bolzano Modelle bolzano_modelle05
The unfolded skins of programs A, B, C, D  
Die aufgeklappten Häute der Programme A, B, C, D  
MOMA Bolzano Modelle bolzano_modelle07
The folded surfaces A, B, C, D enclose space E.  
Die zusammengeklappten Flächen A, B, C, D schließen den Raum E ein.  
MOMA Bolzano Modelle dscn12960
MOMA Bolzano Modelle dscn13030
MOMA Bolzano Modelle dscn13050
MOMA Bolzano Modelle dscn13111
MOMA Bolzano Modelle r_dscn1340
MOMA Bolzano Modelle r_dscn1373
MOMA Bolzano Modelle dscn0574
1st project study, working model  
1. Projektstudie, Arbeitsmodell  
MOMA Bolzano Modelle x_dscn00110
1st project study, final model  
1. Projektstudie, endgültiges Modell  
MOMA Bolzano Modelle dscn0571_test
1st project study, working model  
1. Projektstudie, Arbeitsmodell  
MOMA Bolzano Modelle jonas
1st project study, sketch model  
1. Projektstudie, Skizzenmodell  
Diagrams 33/3
MOMA Bolzano Schema bolzano_diagramme01
4 interconnected surfaces replace the building site. A group of functions is applied to each of the 4 surfaces.  
4 miteinander verbundene Flächen ersetzen das Grundstück. Auf jeder der 4 Flächen wird eine Funktionsgruppe aufgestaubt.  
MOMA Bolzano Schema bolzano_diagramme02
Sketch model, 4 unfolded surfaces with articulated connections and functions applied.  
Skizzenmodell, 4 augeklappte Flächen mit gelenkiger Verbindung und aufgebrachten Funktionen.  
MOMA Bolzano Schema bolzano_diagramme03
The 4 programmed surfaces A, B, C, D are folded into a prism. The random joining of the 4 programmed surfaces forms space E.  
Die 4 programmierten Flächen A, B, C, D, werden zu einem Prisma zusammengeklappt. Durch das zufällige Zusammentreffen der 4 programmierten Oberflächen wird Raum E gebildet.  
Animations 11/1
Moma Bolzano

Animation 54 seconds

Animation 54 Sek.
