Hands have no tears to flow,

La Biennale di Venezia 13th International Architecture Exhibition, Austrian Pavilion

2012 – 2012


In the short story “Allal,” Paul Bowles describes how a young man is roused from sleep, feeling a light weight on his chest. It is a coiled-up, red-gold snake which, lying on his body, rises and falls to the rhythm of his breathing and whose eyes are looking at him as if he were the one looking at himself. Several breaths later it is actually the case then: The young man’s consciousness has glided into the snake; he rises and falls within it, still to the rhythm of his previous own breath, and looks back at his deserted body. Ten years earlier, around 1968, a photo can be dated that shows the half-kneeling Charles Eames in a close-up with his face hidden by a medium format camera, not as if he were taking pictures, but as if he were scanning, measuring or analyzing the young man, sleeping with open eyes, lying in front of him.

Both scenes, “Allal” and the kneeling architect, have a hypnotizing character. Both are magical, both suggest a moment of transition. And both can be used as evidence. The architect does not examine buildings anymore, but rather sleeping people. In “Allal,” identity and consciousness, like heat in a heat exchanger, glide from one subject onto another. Can the same apply to architecture? Can – or must – the rulebook of the architecture of buildings be “swapped” to bodies? Could these absorb the functions of buildings? And is the construction site then no longer the building, but the body itself? And how will our building component warehouse develop?

Oxygenating Unit for Extracorporeal Circulation Devices, Patent No. 2.702.035 Pub. Date: Feb. 15, 1955; Mechanical Heart, Patent No. 2.917.751 Pub. Date: Dec. 22, 1959; Soft Shell Mushroom Shaped Heart, Patent No. 3.641.591 Pub. Date: Feb. 15, 1972; Artificial Arm and Hand Assembly, Patent No. 4.685.928 Pub. Date: Aug. 11, 1987; Head Sensor Positioning Network, Patent No. 5.291.888 Pub. Date: Mar. 8, 1994; Methods and Systems for Processing of Brain Signals, Patent No. 2004/0097861A1 Pub. Date: May 20, 2004; Neural Interface System with embedded ID, Patent No. 2005/0267597 A1 Pub. Date: Dec.1, 2005; Optically-connected implants and related systems and methods of use, Patent No. 7.280.870 B2 Pub. Date: Oct. 9, 2007; Monitoring and Representing Complex Signals, Patent No. 7.254.500 B2 Pub. Date: Aug. 7, 2007; Inkjet Printing of Tissues and Cells, Patent. No. 2009/102484 A2 Pub. Date: Aug. 20, 2008; Neural Stimulation and Optical Monitoring Systems and Methods, Patent No. 7.729.773 B2 Pub. Date: Jun. 1, 2010; Flexible and Scalable Sensor Arrays for Recording and Modulating Physiologic Activity, Patent No. 2011/0054583 A1 Pub. Date: Mar. 3, 2011; [Printing of life tissue onto living organisms], Delivery System, Patent No. 2011/085225 A1 Pub. Date: July 14, 2011; Integrated Tank Filter for a Medical Therapeutic Device, Patent No. 2011/0245644 A1 Pub. Date: Oct. 6, 2011; Repositionable Endoluminal Support Structure and its Applications, Patent No. 2011/0245918 A1Pub. Date: Oct. 6, 2011; Devices, Systems, and Methods for Reshaping a Heart Valve Annulus, Patent No. 2011/0251684 A1 Pub. Date: Oct. 13, 2011; Novel
Gene Disruptions, Compositions and Methods Relating Thereto, Patent No. 2011/0252485 A1 Pub. Date: Oct. 13, 2011; Powered Ankle-Foot Device, Patent No. 2011/0257764 A1 Pub. Date: Oct. 20, 2011; Multiple Electrode Lead and a System for Deep Electrical Neurostimulation including such a Lead, Patent No. 2011/0257764 A1 Pub. Date: Oct. 20, 2011; Transventricular Implant Tools and Devices, Patent No. 2011/0271967 A1Pub. Date: Nov. 10, 2011; ... etc.

¹ taken from COUNTERBLAST by Marshall McLuhan (1954 edition), based on the Dylan Thomas poem “The Hand That Signed the Paper.”

TWA, 2012

Arno Ritter

Wolfgang Tschapeller


Spatial Concept, Narrative Concept,
Project Coordination, Directors
Simon Oberhammer
Christina Jauernik


Visual Concept, 3D Production
Martin Perktold
Visual Concept, Sound, Production Manager
Rens Veltman
vizrt - Gerhard Lang, Hannes Feldkirchner, Christian Seidl
Motion Tracking
Frieder Weiss, Anita Pain
3D Photogrammetry
trigonos - Michael Moser
Ton+Bild - Martin Beck, Florian Frick, Martin Biegger
Animation Assistants
Wolfgang Schröck, Michael Wilhelm, Philip Ballinger
Local Architects
Troels Bruun, Luca Delise
Set Up
Veit Streli
waagner-biro - Hans Frey, Alois Karner, Novica Stojanovic, Otto Uferer
Alluvial - Oliver Reif, Christian Jackl, Andreas Scioia, Brendan Walden
Elisabeth Frenking, Thaddaeus Gotwald, Karl Heinz Grill, Manuel Haas, Bernd Hanak, Hans Hauser, Julia Hitthaler, Khaled Kenawi, Sandra Klausner, Klara Klausner, Adeline Kometer, Annette Leja, Wolfgang Leja, Michael Moser, Inge Prünster, Michael Schiestl, Patrick Young, Carla Veltman, Bob Veltman, Rian Veltman, Anton Widauer, Hansi H., Petra Wellenstein
Commissioner's Team
Rosanna Dematté, Bernadette Larcher, Carmen Ferrada

grafisches Büro - Günter Eder, Roman Breier, Marcel Neundörfer


multimedia installation
5300 x 1050 px
5 projectors | 5 tracking cameras | 5-channel sound system
1 projection wall | projection surface 24.4 x 5.3 m
1 mirror | mirror surface 22.0 x 4.6 m

For press material, please visit www.labiennale.at/2012/


Projektarchitekt | project architect
Projektarchitektin | project architect
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator

Commissioner of the Biennale di Venezia, 13th International Architecture Exhibition, Austrian Pavilion
Visuelles Konzept, 3D-Produktion I Visual Concept, 3D Production
Gerhard Lang, Hannes Feldkirchner, Christian Seidl
Animation I animation
Hans Frey, Alois Karner, Novica Stojanovic, Otto Uferer
Stahl- und Baukonstruktionen
Michael Moser
3D-Photogrmmetrie I 3d-photogrammetry
Martin Beck, Florian Frick, Martin Bieger
Projektionen I projections
Bewegungsverfolgung I Motion Tracking
Animationsassistenten I animation assistents
Aufbau Managment I Local Architects
Aufbau I set up
Hans Frey, Alois Karner, Novica Stojanovic, Otto Uferer
Stahl- und Baukonstruktionen
Oliver Reif, Christian Jackl, Andreas Scioia, Brendan Walden
Großformatspiegel I large format mirrors
Rosanna Dematté, Bernadette Larcher, Carmen Ferrada
Günter Eder, Roman Breier, Marcel Neundörfer
Grafische Gestaltung | Graphic design
Photographs 43/4
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos pavillon_2_2000
Khaled, Patrick, Christina, Charly, Simon, Sanna, Murphy © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Khaled, Patrick, Christina, Charly, Simon, Sanna, Murphy © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_3_065
Patrick, Charly, Simon, Sanna © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Patrick, Charly, Simon, Sanna © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_057
Patrick, Rens, Murphy, Simon, Christina © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Patrick, Rens, Murphy, Simon, Christina © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_3_024
Patrick, Khaled, Murphy, Simon © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Patrick, Khaled, Murphy, Simon © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_0180
Carla, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Carla, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_0190
Patrick, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Patrick, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_0200
Patrick, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Patrick, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_0220
Patrick, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy, Khaled, Maschinisten © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Patrick, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy, Khaled, Maschinisten © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_023
Patrick, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy, Khaled, Maschinisten © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Patrick, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy, Khaled, Maschinisten © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_024
Patrick, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy, Khaled, Maschinisten © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Patrick, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy, Khaled, Maschinisten © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_025
Patrick, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy, Khaled, Maschinisten © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Patrick, Benny, Simon, Christina, Murphy, Khaled, Maschinisten © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_031
Patrick, Christina, Khaled, Charly, Simon, Murphy, Sanna © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Patrick, Christina, Khaled, Charly, Simon, Murphy, Sanna © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_039
Murphy und Adeline, Simon, Murphy, Khaled, Rens © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Murphy und Adeline, Simon, Murphy, Khaled, Rens © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_040
Murphy und Adeline, Simon, Christina, Murphy, Rens, Khaled © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Murphy und Adeline, Simon, Christina, Murphy, Rens, Khaled © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_042
Murphy und Adeline, Simon, Khaled, Rens, Christina © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Murphy und Adeline, Simon, Khaled, Rens, Christina © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos biennalepavilion_4_0380
Murphy und Adeline, Simon, Murphy, Khaled © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Murphy und Adeline, Simon, Murphy, Khaled © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos pavilioninnen_052
Installation © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Installation © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
Hands have no tears to flow Fotos pavilioninnen_016
Installation © Photographer: Günter Wett  
Installation © Fotograf: Günter Wett  
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la Biennale di Venezia


6 Kameras installiert in die laufende Ausstellung

Projektionswand - Spiegelwand

gefördert von bmukk

© twa
