
1996 – 2002


Architecture is a process of analysis, of in-depth questioning of things, starting with all that is subliminal and also all that is different, says Wolfgang Tschapeller. Architecture is also a superimposition of biographies or biographical states; all those involved spread out on the plot and shape the ground in accordance with their key data, he says. It is a strategy of extracting substance from the terrain and reapplying it as building masses in the course of a dislocation with volumes kept constant, he says. The fact that the terrain in Murau turned out not to be autochthonous was not a condition for this archeological process, but it did favor it, says everybody. The cross-trenching of the cardboard terrain, parallel and at a right angle to the Mursteg footbridge, created an extravagant crown for the city. Neither a space allocation plan nor a functional diagram, but the body of the terrain served as the raw material for the design. The primary benefit of the project is that it clarifies the site as an easily legible narrative on morphology. The architect shaped the mountain; use follows the manual formation of peaks. In such a design, the process of creating fault lines in the raw material is just as illuminating as the resulting architecture. – Walter Chramosta, 2004

Projektpartner | Project Partners


Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator

Tragwerksplanung | Structural Engineering
Wibke Tritthart DI, Christian Gummerer DI, Wolfgang Streicher Dr,
Energietechnische Optimierungen und Umweltverhalten | Building ecology
Technische Gebäudeausrüstung | Building services and equipment
Michael Wernitznigg
Technische Gebäudeausrüstung - Elektrik | Building Services - electrical
Geotechnik | Geotechnical engineering
Werner Silbermayr
Kostenberechung | Cost calculation
Geometer | Surveyor
Leitsysteme | Guidance systems
Bauleitung | Construction supervision
Nutzervertreter | User representative

Few things are more challenging for public officials and institutions than a fresh take on their situation and on their customary way of doing things. When these challenges meet with a powerful idea, the result is bound to spark reactions and, occasionally, produce a landmark building. Such was the case in the town of Murau, where Wolfgang Tschapeller, in collaboration with Friedrich W. Schöffauer, proposed a municipal building of exceptional character.
This project stirred opposition even from the Swiss architects who had recently completed a bridge for Murau, at the foot of the incline where Tschapeller was to realize the Bezirkshauptmannschaft (seat of the regional government), and from various interested parties who drew small comfort from a public building at this site. Tschapeller has long occupied himself with the idea of transforming given conditions rather than figuring out a way of accommodating them. Convinced that soon most buildings will be accompanied by - even situated within - others, Tschapeller naturally starts from an extensive rather than a restrictive idea of architecture. His series of proposals for transforming office buildings into mixed-use structures are a case in point. BVA1, for instance, is a project that envisions a time when large concrete office structures will be stripped down to their skeletal frames and transformed by cell-like inhabitations. The act of imagining buildings to be susceptible to the problems of their sites has endowed the Murau building with a virtually singular complexity. Not that this complexity obscures the character of the site or confuses the requirements placed upon it. It is precisely this special condition that generates complexities. Tschapeller cleft the steep hillside above the river, leaving the cut fully exposed within the building and opening up facet after facet of its nature as the building rises against the hill and emerges on top as an eminently inviting pavilion. Giving as much space to internal communication as it attributes to the various administrative and consultative activities, the building also manages to rise to the status of a landmark and mediate its presence in the landscape through a gradual mutation of the site itself. As the structure emerges from the ground and rises alongside the hill, it acquires a lantern-like presence. “It matters that all the senses be involved,” Tschapeller has said, “so that things don’t turn into a series of images, like in a film, but equally involve the spectator. Whatever the situation - tectonic, physical, topographical, or social - architecture is an instrument for its analysis.” The complexities of Tschapeller’s work seem to be those of life itself; its qualities, on the other hand, spring from an allegiance to ideas rather than the necessities of existence.
Kurt Forster 2005 in: 10 x 10 _ 2, phaidon

Work on the building for the municipal authority started with cardboard models that reproduced the landscape and the volumes that the architects were working with. The landscape in the model was divided into four sections. The intersections were enlarged, and material was excavated and piled up on the edges. The first step was self-focused and isolated, a decision that marked a beginning, a structural, concentrated movement to anticipate as many of the necessary tectonic reflexes as possible. The architects describe their further work on the model as intuitive; the preparation of the landscape appears as a process of automatic writing. Even if there was no specific reaction to the environment, the latter seems to have had a hand in the writing. Though authorship remains open, clear topographical figures can in any case be read from the result in retrospect: The mouth of the Rantenbach creek now has a direct opposite, a furrow that holds the new building; it is artificial and natural at the same time, set at a right angle to the Mursteg footbridge, which in turn lies parallel to the Rantenbach creek. – Christa Kamleithner

The building site, a seemingly intact remainder of the river’s steep bank, consists of an overgrown rubble tip, compressed industrial waste. The area facing the train station was banked up in order to gain horizontal space in this mountainous location. In his studio, Wolfgang Tschapeller first formed a cardboard site model that was then cut to pieces with a knife, and the material taken out was piled up alongside the fissures, thrown up on the margins and shifted: a negative/positive erosion of uncovered material. The flank of the now deepened, extended trench was secured with bored piles laid bare, and the largest of the three bodies, a steel skeleton, was fitted into the hollow. The paned access zone extends downwards into a shaft over three levels between the construction and the pile wall, resulting in a powerful spatial texture that has natural light to a surprisingly great degree. On the other side, two smaller volumes embrace the well-known footbridge by Meili and Peter, which was given a second level to serve as the interior connection between the components. Otto Kapfinger

Basics 33/3
Murau Grundlagen twa_murau_model0031
Site in 1990  
Grundstück um 1990  
Murau Grundlagen twa_murau_model0041
Site in 1990 with cantilevered concrete structure for (semi-bridge on the hill)  
Grundstück um 1990 mit auskragender Betonkonstruktion (Hanghalbbrücke)  
Murau Grundlagen twa_murau_model0051
Site in 1990 with cantilevered concrete structure and man-made fill (landfill and parking lot)  
Grundstück um 1990 mit auskragender Betonkonstruktion und der künstlichen Hanganschüttung (Deponie und Parkplätze)  
Murau Grundlagen twa_murau_model0061
Site in 1995 with cantilevered concrete structure, the man-made fill and the new wooden pedestrian bridge, completed in 1994  
Grundstück um 1994 mit auskragender Betonkonstruktion, der künstlichen Hanganschüttung, und der um 1994 fertiggestellten, hölzernen Fußgängerbrücke  
Murau Grundlagen twa_murau_model0071
Site in 1995 with cantilevered concrete structure, the man-made fill, the pedestrian bridge completed in 1994 and the proposed incision into the volume of the man-made fill for the new municipal building  
Grundstück um 1994 mit auskragender Betonkonstruktion, der künstlichen Hanganschüttung, der um 1994 fertiggestellten Fußgängerbrücke und dem für den Neubau der BH Murau vorgeschlagenen Schnitt in die künstliche Hanganschüttung  
Murau Grundlagen twa_murau_model0021
Proposed longitudinal, negative space on site  
Geöffneter Schnitt im Gelände  
Murau Grundlagen twa_murau_model009
Displacement of volume: material taken along a line from the fill is piled up along the edges.  
Massenverlagerung: dem Gelände, der Anschüttung also, wird Material entlang einer Linie entnommen und an den Rändern aufgehäuft.  
Murau Grundlagen murau_01a
Dissected and reassembled landscape model. The buildings reflect the restructured mass displaced from the site.  
Zerschnittenes und neu zusammengefügtes Landschaftsmodell. Die Bauformen bestehen aus der neuorganisierten Masse des Grundstücks.  
Views 113/11
Murau Ansichten mu07s04f
14 July 2002, 16.00: view from the banks of the Mur river  
14.7.2002 - 16:00, Blick von der Uferlinie der Mur  
Murau Ansichten mu09s1ac
25 Aug. 2002, 12.55: west view of the structures above ground level  
25.8.2002 - 12:55, Westansicht der Baukörper über Niveau.  
Murau Ansichten mu10s01f
25 Aug. 2002, 14.27: west view of the structures above ground level, skylights of underground spaces  
25.8.2002 - 14:27, Westansicht der Baukörper über Niveau, Oberlichten zu unterirdischen Räumen.  
Murau Ansichten mu10s05f
25 Aug. 2002, 17.10: west view of the structures above ground level  
25.8.2002 - 17:10, Westansicht der Baukörper über Niveau  
28 May 2002, 12.15: view from entry level towards the Mur river valley  
28.5.2002 - 12:15, Eingangsniveau Blickrichtung Murau  
Murau Ansichten a_08_mu10s09ef
14 June 2002, 9.24: view from entry level towards the Mur river valley  
14.6.2002 - 9:24, Eingangsniveau Blickrichtung Murau  
Murau Ansichten a_08_mu13s04d
14 June 2002, 12.10: view from entry level towards the Mur river valley  
14.6.2002 - 12:10, Eingangsniveau Blickrichtung Murau  
Murau Ansichten a_10_mu10s16a
13 June 2003, 9.44: east side  
13.6.2003 - 9:44, Ostseite  
Murau Ansichten mu07s03e
15 June 2002, 14.05: excavated, external void between the three structures, exterior view 1  
15.6.2002 - 14:05, ausgegrabener, außenliegender Hohlraum zwischen den 3 Bauteilen, Blick 1  
Murau Ansichten 12_dscn0001
10 July 2002, 8.05: void between the 3 structures, exterior view 2  
10.7.2002 - 08:05, Hohlraum zwischen den 3 Bauteilen, Blick 2  
14 June 2002, 15.07: excavated, external void between the three structures, exterior view 3  14.6. 2002 - 15:07, ausgegrabener, außenliegender Hohlraum zwischen den 3 Bauteilen, Blick 3  W. Feiersinger
Murau Ansichten mu01s01xl
7 Apr. 2002, 7.45: underground, interior void, interior view 1  
7.4.2002 - 7:45, unterirdischer, innenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 1  
Murau Ansichten 050
7 Apr. 2002, 7.53: underground, interior void, interior view 1a  
7.4.2002 - 7:53, unterirdischer, innenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 1a  
Murau Ansichten murau_f26_006
3 Oct. 2002, 13.27: underground, interior void, interior view 1c, shell with foundation pile wall permanently anchored in the ground at 3 levels  
3.10.2000 - 13:27, unterirdischer, innenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 1c, Rohbau mit aufgelöster permanent auf 3 Horizonten erdverankerter Bohrpfahlwand  
Murau Ansichten murau_ansichtf20b
10 Mar. 2003, 6.20: underground, interior void, interior view 2  
10.3.2003 - 6:20, unterirdischer, innenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 2  
Murau Ansichten murau_ansichtf20c
10 Mar. 2003, 6.27: underground, interior void, interior view 3  
10.3.2003 - 6:27, unterirdischer, innenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 3  
Murau Ansichten murau_ansichtf22
23 Mar. 2003, 9.45: underground, interior void, interior view 5  
23.3.2003 - 9:45, unterirdischer, innenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 5  
Murau Ansichten i_10h_mu11s03_04
10 Mar. 2004, 10.15: underground, interior void, interior view 5  
10.3.2004 - 10:15, unterirdischer, innenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 5  
Murau Ansichten i_10h_mu11s04_03
10 Mar. 2004, 9.33: underground, interior void, interior view 5  
10.3.2004 - 9:33, unterirdischer, innenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 5  
Murau Ansichten i_10v_dscn0026
10 Mar. 2004, 11.52: underground, interior void, interior view 5  
10.3.2004 - 11:52, unterirdischer, innenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 5  
Murau Ansichten i_10v_dscn0017
10 Mar. 2004, 12.37: underground, interior void, interior view 5  
10.3.2004 - 12:37, unterirdischer, innenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 5  
Murau Ansichten i_10v_mu04s02e
13 Dec. 2004, 12.20: underground, interior void, interior view 5  
13.12.2004 - 12:20, unterirdischer, innenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 5  
Murau Ansichten i_10v_dscn0044
Underground, interior void, interior view 5a  
Unterirdischer, innenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 5a  
Murau Ansichten 09_dscn00271
Underground, interior void, interior view 6, minus 4.7m on 7 Apr. 2002 at 14:39  
Unterirdischer, innnenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 6, minus 4,7m am 7.4.2002 um 14:39  
Murau Ansichten murau_ansichtf21
Underground, interior void, interior view 4  
Unterirdischer, innnenliegender Hohlraum, Blick 4  
Murau Ansichten i_10h_dscn0015
Skylights at street level 1  
Oberlichten auf Strasseniveau 1  
Murau horizontal Murau Ansichten i_10h_dscn0056
Skylights at street level 2  
Oberlichten auf Strasseniveau 2  
Murau Ansichten i_10h_dscn0016
Circulation areas approx. 3.5m below ground level  
Erschließungsbereiche ca. 3,5m unter Niveau  
Murau Ansichten i_10h_dscn0059
Underground, interior void, minus 4.7m on 7 Apr. 2002 at 12:53  
Unterirdischer, innnenliegender Hohlraum, minus 4,7m am 7.4.2002 um 12:53  
Murau Ansichten i_11_mu09s11abx
Public health office, 6.3m below ground level 12 July 2002, 12.12  
Büros des Amtsarztes, 6,3 m unter Niveau 12.7.2002, 12:12  
Murau Ansichten k_30v_murohbau04
Public health office, under construction  
Büros des Amtsarztes, Bauzustand  
Murau Ansichten k_30h_murohbau03
Public health office, under construction  
Büros des Amtsarztes, Bauzustand  
Murau Ansichten i_20v_mu11s05_18
Junction type 1, steel construction in concrete slab  
Knotentyp 1, Stahlbau in Betonplatte  
Murau Ansichten i_20v_mu11s07_37
Exposed steel construction junction 1  
Freigelegter Stahlbauknoten 1  
Murau Ansichten i_20h_mu11s08_03
Exposed steel construction junction 2  
Freigelegter Stahlbauknoten 2  
Murau Ansichten 026
Mur river, during construction View from -13.30m on 5 Nov. 2001, 8.00  
Flussraum der Mur, Bauzustand Blick von minus 13,30m am 5.11.2001, 8:00  
Murau Ansichten muhof10
Mur river  
Flussraum der Mur  
V3_057_crop view from Mur river

Mur river, view from -12,6m on 7 Aug. 2003, 13:40

W. Feiersinger

Flussraum der Mur, Blick von -12,6m am 7.8.2003 um 13:40

W. Feiersinger

Murau Ansichten 054
Werner Feiersinger, sculpture, untitled  
Werner Feiersinger, Skulptur, o.T.  
Murau Bridge Murau

bypass road branching off the state road B96

bypass road branching off the state road B96

Plans 22/2
Murau Pläne murau_plaene2
Horizontal section of the Mur river banks as existing  
Horizontalschnitt durch das vorgefundene Ufer der Mur  
Murau Pläne murau_plaene3
Horizontal section of the Mur river bans with excavated void  
Horizontalschnitt durch die Ufer der Mur mit ausgegrabenen Hohlraum.  
Murau Pläne murau_plaene4
Horizontal section of the Mur river bans with excavated void reinforced by retaining structures  
Horizontalschnitt durch die Ufer der Mur mit dem durch Hangstützmassnahmen gefestigten Hohlraum.  
Murau Pläne murau_plaene5
Horizontal section of the Mur river banks with excavated void, retaining structures and space allocation plan positioned at level 1  
Horizontalschnitt durch Murufer mit Hohlraum, Hangstützmassnahmen und positioniertem Raumprogramm auf Ebene 1.  
Murau Pläne murau_06
Horizontal section of the Mur river banks. The building is unobstructed on the river side and set into the hill on the road side.  
Horizontalschnitt durch Murufer. Das Gebäude liegt zum Fluss hin frei, zur Strasse hin im Uferhang.  
Murau Pläne murau_plaene7
Cross section, existing structures marked in magenta  
Querschnitt, Magenta markiert Bestandsbauteile.  
Murau Pläne murau_08
Cross section, existing structures marked in magenta  
Querschnitt, Magenta markiert Bestandsbauteile.  
Murau Pläne murau_plaene9
Cross section, existing structures marked in magenta: Mursteg footbridge by Meili/Peter/Conzett  
Querschnitt, Magenta markiert Bestandsbauteile: Mursteg von Meili / Peter / Conzett erstellt.  
Murau Pläne murau_plaene10
Cross section  
Murau Pläne murau_plaene11
Cross section  
Videos 11/1

Bezirkshauptmannschaft Murau
(Bürogebäude der öffentlichen Verwaltung)

MURAU Donnerstag 12.08.2004
20:37 bis Samstag 14.08.2004,
13:27, Aufnahme: 12 Rahmen im Intervall von 30 Sekunden
