St. Joseph

Lower Austria, Austria
2005 – 2007

St. Joseph is a concrete molding independent of the building plot that is to be made habitable. The concrete molding lies at the edge of the outskirts of a plain along the Danube wetlands. Its basic measurements are 615 x 620 x 2230 centimeters. The concrete molding is set on four columns – one of them one-pronged, two of them two-pronged and one three-pronged. Its distance from the ground varies from 120 to 210 centimeters.

A second, softer white form detached from the outer shell is set within the concrete molding. The white form accesses and programs the interior space of the concrete molding, which is 2165 centimeters long and about 515 centimeters high – it makes it habitable, at least in part, if you wish. The two nested forms differ in terms of hardness and material.



Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator

Reinhard Schneider
Tragwerksplanung | Structural Engineering
Architekt | Architect
Werner Silbermayer
Kostenberechung | Cost calculation

Clash of Idioms
Mark #13 April/May 2008
Page 29

Wolfgang Tschapeller
House in St. Andrä-Wördern, Austria

Text: Arthur Wortmann

The most recent project by Austrian architect Wolfgang Tschapeller, a single-family home at the edge of town, appears both strange and familiar. From the outside, we can discern several principles of classical modernism. The columns keep the ground level open for the inhabitants’ outdoor activities; the house has a roof terrace, horizontal strip windows and curtain walls. An open plan seems to be the general intent. Le Corbusier would have approved.
But something is off. Strange, irregular sections have been carved out of the concrete façade; the roof terrace is slanted; the supports are arranged in playful groups. The interior is even more confusing. The flowing space is painted in solid white, just as it should be, but the walls twist in all sorts of directions. The spirit of architects like Coop Himmelb(l)au and UNStudio permeates this place – it exudes an air of post-blobism and post-deconstructivism. The interior is a sculpture. The staircases are diagonal volumes on which steps have been set. The space plays with geometry, volumes and recesses.
Wolfgang Tschapeller blends two architectural idioms that, in principle, have little in common and do not reinforce one another. The house does not reveal the reasons for this approach, but that is no detriment to its effect. It gives the structure a certain pertness and makes it a tongue-in-cheek reference to the history of architecture.

Photographs 73/7
St. Joseph Fotos 010
Concrete shell, view from the northeast 1  
Betonschale, Ansicht von Nordosten 1  
St. Joseph Fotos 020
Concrete shell, view from the northeast 2  
Betonschale, Ansicht von Nordosten 2  
St. Joseph Fotos 030
Concrete shell, view from the northeast 3, 1st use, car window in concrete shell with matching car underneath.  
Betonschale, Ansicht von Nordosten 3, 1. Nutzung, Autofenster in Betonschale mit darunterstehenden dazupassenden Auto.  
St. Joseph Fotos 050
Concrete shell, view from the north 1  
Betonschale, Ansicht von Norden 1  
St. Joseph Fotos 060
Concrete shell, view from the north 2  
Betonschale, Ansicht von Norden 2  
St. Joseph Fotos 070
Concrete shell, view from the north 3  
Betonschale, Ansicht von Norden 3  
St. Joseph Fotos 080
Concrete shell, view from the northwest 1. The St. Joseph project is surrounded by fields under cultivation. After the harvest, these areas lie fallow, without vegetation, and the horizon is unobstructed. The concrete shell is set at a distance from the ground.  
Betonschale, Ansicht von Nordwest 1. Rund um das St. Joseph Projekt liegen landwirtschaftliche Nutzflächen. Nach der Erntezeit liegen diese Flächen brach, ohne Vegetation, der Horizont ist frei. Die Betonhülle ist vom Boden distanziert.  
St. Joseph Fotos 090
Concrete shell, view from the southwest 1  
Betonschale, Ansicht von Südwest 1  
St. Joseph Fotos 100
Concrete shell, view from the southwest 2. During the months of late spring and early summer, the visible horizon is higher. The crops are rotated: from cornfields as high as 2 meters to sunflowers and rapeseed. The concrete shell is set above the vegetation.  
Betonschale, Ansicht von Südwest 2. Während der späten Frühjahrs- und frühen Sommermonate hebt sich der Horizont. Die Kulturen wechseln. Einmal Maisfelder bis zu 2m Höhe, einmal Sonnenblumen, einmal Raps. Die Betonhülle sitzt auf der Vegetation auf.  
St. Joseph Fotos 110
Concrete shell, underside view 1  
Betonschale, Untersicht 1  
St. Joseph Fotos 120
Concrete shell, underside view 2  
Betonschale, Untersicht 2  
St. Joseph Fotos 130
Interior northeast corner of the concrete shell: Though it is a building, the cast concrete shell functions as a three-dimensional building site, ready for the installation of specialized functional units.  
Innere Nordostecke der Betonschale. Die gegossene Betonschale - obwohl Bauwerk - verhält sich wie ein dreidimensionales Bauareal, fertig für die Montage von spezialisierten Funktionseinheiten.  
St. Joseph Fotos 140
Camilla’s space: Despite the concrete shell’s roughness, we speak of a chassis in which functional blocs and motor functions are successively installed. This interpretation comes about in retrospect, when we review the construction process. It is an interim state that does not actually exist in the logic of the building.  
Camillas Raum: Trotz der Grobheit der Betonschale sprechen wir von einem Fahrgestell, einem Chassis, in das nach und nach Funktionsblöcke und Motoriken montiert werden. Eine solche Leseart ergibt sich retrospektiv, wenn wir den Bauprozess lesen. In der Logik des Objekts existiert dieser Zwischenzustand eigentlich nicht.  
St. Joseph Fotos 150
Nico's space with layers of vegetation, open flattened ground, uncontrolled growth, grasses, wheat, corn, rapeseed...  
Nicos Platz mit Vegetationsschichten, offen gewalzter Erdoberfläche, unkontrolliertem Wildwuchs, Gräsern, Weizen, Mais, Raps...  
St. Joseph Fotos 210
St. Joseph Fotos 220
St. Joseph Fotos 230
St. Joseph Fotos 260
St. Joseph Fotos 240
St. Joseph Fotos 250
St. Joseph Fotos 101_wt_dscn3836
4 Aug. 2007, 16.12, view from the northeast  
4.8.2007, 16h12, Blick aus Nordost  
St. Joseph Fotos 204_wf_070816_05_neg50_bl1
16 Aug. 2007, 16.48, view from the northeast  
16.8.2007, 16h48, Blick aus Nordost  
St. Joseph Fotos 205_wf_070614_02_neg17
12 Oct. 2007, 16.30, view from the northeast  
12.10.2007, 16h30, Blick aus Nordost  
St. Joseph Fotos 201_wt_03_dscn3817
16 Sept. 2007, 15.43, view from the northeast  
16.9.2007, 15h43, Blick aus Nordost  
St. Joseph Fotos 202_wt_04_dscn3825
16 Sept. 2007, 15.52, view from the northeast  
16.9.2007, 15h52, Blick aus Nordost  
St. Joseph Fotos 203_wt_01_dscn3834
16 Sept. 2007, 16.12, view from the northeast  
16.9.2007, 16h12, Blick aus Nordost  
St. Joseph Fotos 112_ls_10
14 Sept. 07, 12.07, view from the southwest  
14.9.07, 12h07, Blick aus Südwest  
St. Joseph Fotos 102_ls_41
1 Aug. 07, 8.23, view from the southwest  
1.8.07, 8h23, Blick aus Südwest  
St. Joseph Fotos 101_ls_39
14 Sept. 07, 12.28, view from the southwest  
14.9.07, 12h28, Blick aus Südwest  
St. Joseph Fotos 120_ls_25
14 Sept. 07, 14.07, view from the northwest  
14.9.07, 14h07, Blick aus Nordwest  
St. Joseph Fotos 121_ls_26
14 Sept. 07, 14.57, view from the northwest  
14.9.07, 14h57, Blick aus Nordwest  
St. Joseph Fotos 130_ls_5
14 Sept. 07, 16.12, view from the north  
14.9.07, 16h12, Blick aus Nord  
St. Joseph Fotos 131_ls_19
14 Sept. 07, 16.27, view from the north  
14.9.07, 16h27, Blick aus Nord  
St. Joseph Fotos 132_ls_22
14 Sept. 07, 15.02, view from the north  
14.9.07, 15h02, Blick aus Nord  
St. Joseph Fotos 122_a_ls_3
14 Sept. 07, view from the north  
14.9.07, Blick aus Nord  
St. Joseph Fotos 123_a_ls_21
2nd half of October 2007, view from the north  
2. Oktoberhälfte 2007, Blick aus Nord  
St. Joseph Fotos 140_ls_40
2nd half of October 2007, view from the southeast  
2. Oktoberhälfte 2007, Blick aus Südost  
St. Joseph Fotos 141_ls_2
2nd half of October 2007, view from the southeast  
2. Oktoberhälfte 2007, Blick aus Südost  
St. Joseph Fotos 142_ls_7
2nd half of October 2007, view from the southeast  
2. Oktoberhälfte 2007, Blick aus Südost  
St. Joseph Fotos 143_ls_27
October 2007, early afternoon, view from the southeast  
Oktober 2007 früher Nachmittag, Blick aus Südost  
St. Joseph Fotos 160_a_ls_4
August 2007, view of the south and west sides  
August 2007, Blick auf Süd- und Westseite  
St. Joseph Fotos 110_ls_6
October 2007, afternoon, view of the west side  
Oktober 2007, Nachmittag, Blick auf Westseite  
Views 73/7
St. Joseph Ansichten 101_ls_34
St. Joseph Ansichten 102_ls_8
St. Joseph Ansichten 103_ls_10
St. Joseph Ansichten 104_ls_33
St. Joseph Ansichten 105_ls_31
St. Joseph Ansichten 106_ls_28
St. Joseph Ansichten 203_ls_9
St. Joseph Ansichten 204_ls_32
St. Joseph Ansichten 202_ls_11
St. Joseph Ansichten 301_ls_38
St. Joseph Ansichten 303_ls_30
4 Aug. 2007, 10.03, view from the west  
4.8.2007, 10h03, Blick aus West  
St. Joseph Ansichten 304_ls_29
4 Aug. 07, 10.17, view from the west  
4.8.07, 10h17, Blick aus West  
St. Joseph Ansichten 304b_ls_44
4 Aug. 07, 10.24, view from the west  
4.8.07, 10h24, Blick aus West  
St. Joseph Ansichten 305_ls_17
4 Aug. 07, 13.55, view from the west  
4.8.07, 13h55, Blick aus West  
St. Joseph Ansichten 401_ls_16
4 Aug. 07, 11.27, Nico's room, view from the east with car window  
4.8.07, 11h27, Nicos Zimmer, Blick aus Ost mit Autofenster  
St. Joseph Ansichten 402_ls_37
St. Joseph Ansichten 403_ls_12
5 Aug. 07, around 8 o'clock  
5.8.07, ca. 8h  
St. Joseph Ansichten 502_wt_rimg0024
St. Joseph Ansichten 503_wt_rimg0028
St. Joseph Ansichten 501_rk_okc968308c
St. Joseph Ansichten 504_ls_15
St. Joseph Ansichten 601_rk_okc968102c
5 Aug. 07, 14.07, bathtub installed in north side bulge  
5.8.07, 14h07, Badewanne in Verdickung der Nordseite montiert.  
St. Joseph Ansichten 602_ls_14
5 Aug. 07, 14.33, bathtub installed in north side bulge  
5.8.07, 14h33, Badewanne in Verdickung der Nordseite montiert  
St. Joseph Ansichten 801_ls_13
St. Joseph Ansichten 802_wt_rimg0095
St. Joseph Ansichten 803_ls_20
St. Joseph Ansichten 804_ls_43
St. Joseph Ansichten 901_ls_45
St. Joseph Ansichten 902_ls_42
St. Joseph Ansichten 701_ls_36
Models 73/7
St. Joseph Modelle 320
Model 2  
Modell 2  
St. Joseph Modelle 330
Model 1  
Modell 1  
St. Joseph Modelle 300
Model 1, various impressions and indentations in a prismatic shape.  
Modell 1, verschiedene Eindrücke und Einbuchtungen in prismatische Form.  
St. Joseph Modelle 310
Model 1, interior view  
Modell 1, Innenansicht  
St. Joseph Modelle 11_dscn4056
4 slabs are assigned various volumes. Each volume stands for a required functional unit.  
4 Platten werden mit verschiedenen Volumen belegt. Jedes Volumen steht für eine erforderliche Funktionseinheit.  
St. Joseph Modelle 12_dscn4060
The 4 programmed slabs are folded towards one another.  
Die 4 programmierten Platten werden zueinander gefaltet.  
St. Joseph Modelle 13_dscn4039
The programmed slabs, folded into a prism, define a remaining space that accommodates all remaining – non-specialized or non-segregated functions.  
Die zu einem Prisma gefalteten programmierten Platten definieren einen Restraum, der alle verbleibenden - nicht spezialisierten oder nicht segregierten - Funktionen aufnimmt.  
St. Joseph Modelle 14_dscn4071
Wall thicknesses are greatly expanded in part; functions are recessed in the walls.  
Wandstärken werden partiell extrem aufgeweitet. Funktionen werden in Wänden versenkt.  
St. Joseph Modelle 05_16_8_black
Impressions of functions and spaces in a prismatic volume: The small impression will be assigned functions of sanitary installations in the course of development, while the larger impression is developed into a space for privacy and withdrawal.  
Funktions- und Raumeindrücke in prismatisches Volumen. Der kleine Eindruck wird im Laufe der Bearbeitung mit Sanitärfunktionen belegt, der größere Eindruck wird als privater Rückzugsraum entwickelt.  
St. Joseph Modelle 06_16_6_black
Impressions of functions and spaces in a prismatic shape  
Funktions- und Raumeindrücke in prismatische Form  
St. Joseph Modelle 07_16_7_black
Impressions of functions and spaces in a prismatic shape  
Funktions- und Raumeindrücke in prismatische Form  
St. Joseph Modelle 08_16_11_black
Functions imprinted on the interior space, interior view  
Funktionausdrücke auf Innenraum, innere Ansicht  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn59760
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn59770
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5982
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5983
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5984
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5985
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5986
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5987
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5988
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5990
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5992
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5993
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5994
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5995
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5989
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn5991
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn6106
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn6107
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn6108
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn6109
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn6110
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn6111
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn6112
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn6114
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn6132
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle dscn6133
Model 5, interior volume (void)  
Modell 5, inneres Volumen (Void)  
St. Joseph Modelle 00a_bva2_01
Reference project Guest Room (see BVA2, 2001-2003): the image shows the basic module of the Guest Room project. The St. Joseph project serves to materialize the Guest Room principles.  
Referenzprojekt Guest Room (siehe BVA2 2001-2003), dargestellt ist das Basismodul aus dem Guest Room Projekt. Das St. Joseph Projekt materialisiert Grundsätze von Guest Room.  
St. Joseph Modelle bva2_02
Reference project Guest Room (see BVA2, 2001-2003): the basic Guest Room module is reproduced in the exterior surfaces of prismatic volumes.  
Referenzprojekt Guest Room (siehe BVA2 2001-2003), Basismodul Guest Room wird in Außenflächen von prismatischen Volumen abgebildet.  
St. Joseph Modelle bva2_03
The Guest Room project is a second-order urban project. Existing buildings are turned into building sites.  
Das Guest Room Projekt ist ein urbanes Projekt 2. Ordnung. Bestehende Gebäude werden zu Bauplätzen.  
St. Joseph Modelle bva2_04
Guest Rooms are spread across the city at regular intervals. Guest Room is like a pinball propelled through the city on a zigzag course.  
Guest Room wird in regelmäßigen Abständen über die Stadt verteilt. Guest Room ist wie eine Flipperkugel die im Zickzack durch die Stadt geschossen wird.  
Videos 11/1

St. Joseph

