University of Applied Arts Vienna

Competition 1st Prize

Between 1st and 3rd district in Vienna on the Ringstrasse a few buildings of different authors and times are collected on a block. Heinrich von Ferstel (Museum 1871, Kunstgewerbeschule 1877). Ludwig Baumann (Museum extension 1908), Wörle-Schwanzer (1965 University extension) , Noever-Müller (Museum extension + renovation) are the architects of the group of buildings. Some of them serve the purposes of the Museum for Applied Arts and some of them serve the University of Applied Arts. The original urban intent for this group of buildings follows a subtle and precise idea. Although being part of a block, or standing on a block, they were always meant to keep their independency and autonomy by simultaneously allowing for a visibility of the space in between them.

In late 2011 an international 2 stage competition was announced. Wolfgang Tschapeller ZT GmbH proposed 6 POINTS FOR A “NEUE ANGEWANDTE”

Ferstel Bau as well as the Wörle-Schwanzer-Bau are in their essence autonomous objects standing in critical and productive distance to each other. Such a reading is re-proposed in our project. Consequently the following steps are suggested:
- Demolition of link building,
- Reconstruction of those parts of the Ferstel Bau and the Wörle-Schwanzer-Bau which were destroyed by the insertion of the LINK BUILDING,
- Activation of the now very well lit areas of the Schwanzer/Wörle Bau

We are fascinated by seriality of the Schwanzer/Wörle Bau. The building consists in essence of a series of columns and slabs. By taking out stairs and elevator cores and by repositioning them in front of the serial structure of the Wörle-Schwanzer-Bau two essential targets are achieved:
- Full flexibility on the entire floor slab
- Remarkable gain of usable floor area
- Improvement of circulation (in economic and spatial terms)

The removal of stair and elevator cores displays a pure serial structure. What remains are solely columns and slabs, ready for multiple functional readings. The shelf like structure will house the Studios.

Ferstel Bau and Wörle-Schwanzer-Bau are connected by a common functional base, containing lecture halls, workshops, storage spaces, technical installations as well as supply lines and waste management.

We propose 3 main connecting elements to “make” the new Campus of the Angewandte.
- The INTERIOR SQUARE connects Ferstel Bau with Schwanzer/Wörle Bau,
- The GARDEN connects the buildings of the University with those of the Museum
- The BROADWAY, a large stair which runs diagonally across the elevation of the Wörle-Schwanzer-Bau. The BROADWAY is not only a means of circulation; it is the platform where members and knowledge of the 17 different studios meet. It is the informal marketplace for cross disciplinary projects.

On the roof of the University two optional, temporary structures are proposed. Two pneumatic balloons indicate and signal special occasions at the Angewandte to the surrounding City. Raised transparent balloons means a special day, like flags on a building.


Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Modellbau | Modelmaking
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Modellbau | Modelmaking
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator
Mitarbeiter | Collaborator

Thomas Schwed
Sicherheits- und Gesundheitsplanung | Safety Planning
Thomas Schwed
Thomas Schwed
Kostenberechung | Cost calculation
Janos Karasz
Freiraumplanung | open space planning and outdoor facilities
Peter Bauer, Martin Schoderböck, Thomas Eschbacher, Jan Umlauf, Klaus Hudelist
Tragwerksplanung | Structural Engineering
Florian Scheible
Tragwerksplanung | Structural Engineering
Martin Pelzl, Martin Obuch, Gerhard Bahr
Geotechnik | Geotechnical engineering
Wolfgang Reibke, Manfred Niessner
Technische Gebäudeausrüstung | Building services and equipment
Alexander Pakisch, Michael Russ
Bauphysik | Building Physics
Jochen Käferhaus, Alfred Fessl
Energie + Klimaplanung | Energy + climate engineering
Bettina Düh
Brandschutz | Fire protection
Klaus Pokorny
Lichtplanung | Lighting Design
Johannes Steiner
Geometer | Surveyor
Veronika Egger
Barrierefreiheit | Acessibility
Armin Hess
Renderings und Bildbearbeitung | Renderings and digital imaging
Plans 11/1
UAK, Wien Pläne broadway
UAK, Wien Pläne siteplan_web
UAK, Wien Pläne p_u20_web0
Level -2 storage, workshops, building services  
Ebene -2 Lager, Werkstätten, Technik  
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Level -1 workshops, storage, lecture halls, canteen, events, studio M10  
Ebene -1 Werkstätten, Lager, Hörsäle, Mensa, Veranstaltung, Studio M10  
UAK, Wien Pläne p_u11_web
Level -1_1 Library a - information b - catalogue area c - free access library d - reading places (60p) e - special reading room (10p) f - news rack g - media area h - offices i - seminar room  
Ebene -1_1 Bibliothek a - Information b - Katalogbereich c - Freihandbibliothek d - Leseplätze allg. (60p) e - Sonderleseraum (10p) f - Zeitschriftenauslage g - Medienbereich h - Büros, Sekretariat i - Seminarraum  
UAK, Wien Pläne p_000_web
Level 0 Offices for Teaching and Administration, library, studio M8 + M9 Circulation A - Main Entrance B1 - Side Access 1: loading zone, workshops, waste, parking,garden B2 - Side Access 2: garden + side access to buildings B3 - Side Access 3: Library, canteen, lecture Halls, garden B4 - Side Access 4: Grand Auditorium C - concierge, information, small exhibit D - administration E - offices education F - studios G - lecture halls H - library I - workshops J - canteen K - storage, back of house L - Delivery canteen  
Ebene 0 Büros Lehre und Verwaltung, Bibliothek, Studio M8 + M9 Zirkulation A - Haupteingang B1 - Nebenzugang 1: Anlieferung, Ver + Entsorgung Werkstätten, Parken, Garten B2 - Nebenzugang 2: Garten + Gebäude B3 - Nebenzugang 3: Bibliothek, Mensa, Hörsäle, Garten B4 - Nebenzugang 4: Großer Hörsaal C - Portier, Information, Ausstellung D - Verwaltung E - Büros Lehre F - Studios G - Hörsäle H - Bibliothek I - Werkstätten J - Mensa K - Lager, Nebenräume L - Zulieferung Mensa  
UAK, Wien Pläne p_010_web
Level 1 Offices for teaching and administration, studio M6 + M7 Studios 1 - workshop machine work 2 - workshop manual work 3 - WC 4 - storage + deposit area 5 - PC work area 6 - tracks for work + storage area students 7 - tracks for work + storage area diploma students 8 - offices for assistants 9 - multifunctional area 10 - fire protection door 11 - sliding wall 12 - seminar + communication area 13 - studio common area 14 - laboratory area 15 - structural bracing 16 - natural ventilation  
Ebene 1 Büros Lehre und Verwaltung, Studio M6 + M7 Studios 1 - Werkstatt maschinell 2 - Werkstatt manuell 3 - WC 4 - Lager + Depotbereich 5 - PC-Arbeitsbereich 6 - Schienen für Arbeits + Lagerbereich Studierende 7 - Schienen für Arbeits + Lagerbereich Diplomanden 8 - Büro Assistenten 9 - Multifunktionsbereich 10 - Brandschutztor 11 - Schiebewand 12 - Seminar + Kommunikationsbereich 13 - Studio Gemeinschaftsfläche / Broadway 14 - Laborbereich 15 - Aussteifung 16 - natürliche Be- + Entlüftung  
UAK, Wien Pläne p_020_web
Level 2 Offices for teaching and administration, studio XL3 Studios 1 - workshop machine work 2 - workshop manual work 3 - WC 4 - storage + deposit area 5 - PC work area 6 - tracks for work + storage area students 7 - tracks for work + storage area diploma students 8 - offices for assistants 9 - multifunctional area 10 - fire protection door 11 - sliding wall 12 - seminar + communication area 13 - studio common area 14 - laboratory area 15 - structural bracing 16 - natural ventilation  
Ebene 2 Büros Lehre und Verwaltung, Studio XL3 Studios 1 - Werkstatt maschinell 2 - Werkstatt manuell 3 - WC 4 - Lager + Depotbereich 5 - PC-Arbeitsbereich 6 - Schienen für Arbeits + Lagerbereich Studierende 7 - Schienen für Arbeits + Lagerbereich Diplomanden 8 - Büro Assistenten 9 - Multifunktionsbereich 10 - Brandschutztor 11 - Schiebewand 12 - Seminar + Kommunikationsbereich 13 - Studio Gemeinschaftsfläche / Broadway 14 - Laborbereich 15 - Aussteifung 16 - natürliche Be- + Entlüftung  
UAK, Wien Pläne p_030_web
Level 3 Offices for teaching and administration, studio M4 + M5 Studios 1 - workshop machine work 2 - workshop manual work 3 - WC 4 - storage + deposit area 5 - PC work area 6 - tracks for work + storage area students 7 - tracks for work + storage area diploma students 8 - offices for assistants 9 - multifunctional area 10 - fire protection door 11 - sliding wall 12 - seminar + communication area 13 - studio common area 14 - laboratory area 15 - structural bracing 16 - natural ventilation  
Ebene 3 Büros Lehre und Verwaltung, Studio M4 + M5 Studios 1 - Werkstatt maschinell 2 - Werkstatt manuell 3 - WC 4 - Lager + Depotbereich 5 - PC-Arbeitsbereich 6 - Schienen für Arbeits + Lagerbereich Studierende 7 - Schienen für Arbeits + Lagerbereich Diplomanden 8 - Büro Assistenten 9 - Multifunktionsbereich 10 - Brandschutztor 11 - Schiebewand 12 - Seminar + Kommunikationsbereich 13 - Studio Gemeinschaftsfläche / Broadway 14 - Laborbereich 15 - Aussteifung 16 - natürliche Be- + Entlüftung  
UAK, Wien Pläne p_050_web
Level 5 studio XL2 + S4 Studios 1 - workshop machine work 2 - workshop manual work 3 - WC 4 - storage + deposit area 5 - PC work area 6 - tracks for work + storage area students 7 - tracks for work + storage area diploma students 8 - offices for assistants 9 - multifunctional area 10 - fire protection door 11 - sliding wall 12 - seminar + communication area 13 - studio common area 14 - laboratory area 15 - structural bracing 16 - natural ventilation  
Ebene 5 Studio XL2 + S4 Studios 1 - Werkstatt maschinell 2 - Werkstatt manuell 3 - WC 4 - Lager + Depotbereich 5 - PC-Arbeitsbereich 6 - Schienen für Arbeits + Lagerbereich Studierende 7 - Schienen für Arbeits + Lagerbereich Diplomanden 8 - Büro Assistenten 9 - Multifunktionsbereich 10 - Brandschutztor 11 - Schiebewand 12 - Seminar + Kommunikationsbereich 13 - Studio Gemeinschaftsfläche / Broadway 14 - Laborbereich 15 - Aussteifung 16 - natürliche Be- + Entlüftung  
UAK, Wien Pläne p_070_web
Level 7 studio M1 + S2 + S1 Studios 1 - workshop machine work 2 - workshop manual work 3 - WC 4 - storage + deposit area 5 - PC work area 6 - tracks for work + storage area students 7 - tracks for work + storage area diploma students 8 - offices for assistants 9 - multifunctional area 10 - fire protection door 11 - sliding wall 12 - seminar + communication area 13 - studio common area 14 - laboratory area 15 - structural bracing 16 - natural ventilation  
Ebene 7 Studio M1 + S2 + S1 Studios 1 - Werkstatt maschinell 2 - Werkstatt manuell 3 - WC 4 - Lager + Depotbereich 5 - PC-Arbeitsbereich 6 - Schienen für Arbeits + Lagerbereich Studierende 7 - Schienen für Arbeits + Lagerbereich Diplomanden 8 - Büro Assistenten 9 - Multifunktionsbereich 10 - Brandschutztor 11 - Schiebewand 12 - Seminar + Kommunikationsbereich 13 - Studio Gemeinschaftsfläche / Broadway 14 - Laborbereich 15 - Aussteifung 16 - natürliche Be- + Entlüftung  
Diagrams 33/3
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Section AA  
Schnitt AA  
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Schnitt DD  
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Animations 22/2

Universität für Angewandte Kunst
Videos + Animationen

4 - schichtige ETFE - Hülle


Universität für Angewandte Kunst
Videos + Animationen

4 - schichtige ETFE - Hülle

Views 33/3
UAK, Wien Ansichten c20_5_crop_1
UAK, Wien Ansichten c20_5_crop_2
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UAK, Wien Ansichten aula2a_web0
Models 22/2
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UAK, Wien Modelle dsc7335
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UAK, Wien Modelle dsc7231
UAK, Wien Modelle dsc7238
UAK, Wien Modelle dsc7255
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